As you know there are many different recipes for homemade biscuits. In fact, I make them in several different ways. A few weeks ago I met a sweet lady who said she watches my videos. We both were talking about how much we love other cooking shows and we mentioned Brenda Gantt's homemade biscuits. The lady said she had a recipe from one of her friends that always turned out delicious. I asked if she would share it with me. She graciously sent me the recipe and said that it makes a lot of biscuits. I decided I would half the recipe and it still made plenty of biscuits. The recipe that I am putting below is the recipe that was given to me cut in half. I hope you try it and let me know what you think.

JGLM MINISTRIES …Curry Blake…..learn to get your healing straight from the Holy Spirit inside of you.
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I can’t get White Lily flour. Which flour would you recommend?
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